All of our content goes on Instagram and/or Facebook. We utilize Twitter for updating on active or on going incidents, and if possible will redirect them to the agency that is handling that situation. While we do have a Youtube account, it is used for uploading high definition videos of our content.
We do not have a newsletter or subscription services, all of our content can be viewed for free on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or Twitter.
We do not have a tip line, but you can email us information or questions. Click here to email us.
If there is content you wish to have removed please contact us by email with your request. Click here to email us.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube already have a major user base, and are one of the easiest way to share news to your local community. At this time we don't see any purpose of moving foot traffic directly to this website, but are not opposed to the idea in the future.
We do not use cookies on this website. We use Google for CAPTCHA on certain functions on this website that may use cookies. If you do not know what cookies are, than it most likely does not pertain to you at all. You can learn more about HTTP Cookies from Wikipedia by clicking here.
We believe that media should be shared among the community in which you live in, while we obviously can not attend every situation we try to prioritize the ones that seem out of the ordinary and that users may find interesting! We want people to be aware of the surroundings in their community.
While we wouldn't say we have any special permits or license to do this, we have gone through all the correct channels within the State of California; including the county of Ventura to lawfully obtain creditials that allow us to be identified as a member of the media by the public, including law enforcement and fire agencies. You can request our information by emailing us, Click here to email us.
We do receive donations from time to time, but our content is not typically marketed to be sold, we more or less operate as a non-profit business. Donations we do receive go directly to fuel for the vehicle, and keeping this website up and running! You can find the donate link at the bottom of every page with the "paypal" logo, or by clicking here to be directed to paypal.
We are not hiring at this time, and will most likely not be hiring any time in the future. If you have something news worthy, you can email us, and if you wish to receive credit please do ask and we will be more than happy to credit you in the description for the tip. Click here to email us.
The name is based off the owner's press photography license plate. We orignally were inspired and started off from a small group in Simi Valley called RDR News, but then branched off and became our own independant network. Since the license plate was recieved already and the numbers were 2366, we felt it would be easily recognizable to start a media brand off those numbers. So if you see a Silver Ford Explorer (the one in the background photo of this page) with the licnese plate number of 2366, that's how you know it's us.
Like most websites their terms of service, F.A.Q., and code of conducts may change from time to time without notice. This was last updated on September 10th, 2020. If there was something that wasn't covered in here and you have a question, please email us. Click here to email us.